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Studio Spotlight

Studio Spotlight: Tru Barre Studio

By August 8, 2017 No Comments

Header image for the Studio Spotlight on Tru Barre Studio


Interview with Sue Costigan, Founder at Tru Barre Studio.
Locations: Akron and Medina, Ohio.

A headshot of Tru Barre Studio Founder Sue Costigan.

You have taught a variety of fitness classes including Pilates, Kickboxing and Strength Training. What was it about barre that motivated you to not only start instructing but open up a studio that was entirely dedicated to the exercise?

I have been in the fitness industry teaching group fitness for 31 years. I have literally tried every type of fitness class out there. I fell in love with barre after only a few classes. I could see my body changing and loved how strong I felt. I also recognized as an aging female, the number 1 thing I should focus on is strength training and maintaining the muscle I have. I also found there were many exercise modalities I couldn’t do anymore. Barre builds lean muscles and creates a beautiful physique.

What do you love most about being a business owner?

The thing I love most about owning a barre studio is the ability to offer a great workout that is so accessible to so many women. I have seen such amazing results in so many of my clients. They not only get stronger, sculpted bodies, but they become more confident and stronger in other areas of their lives.

Clients exercising at Tru Barre Studio.

What has been the biggest obstacle or challenge with growing your business?

We rely mostly on word of mouth, which is great because most of my clients are addicts and love to talk about barre to everyone! But, being able to tap into the community to let more people know what we have to offer is challenging. We want everyone to know about this amazing exercise and to get that body they have always desired.

What do you hope clients get out of a class?

We hope they feel successful after each class. That they can walk out of class and say “Wow, that was super hard, but I did it!!”. Our method is very adaptable. So we give many options during the workout, so you always have a chance to modify a movement or go for the challenge. We strive to teach the technique and help them understand barre is sensation driven and very internal. Once they learn our method, they actually make the workout harder on themselves.

Clients exercising at Tru Barre Studio.

How does the vibe at your studio differ from other studio cultures?

We have been told our studio is very welcoming. Many of my clients have been with me for many years and they understand and remember how hard it is to be a new client. Walking in that first day, not knowing what to expect or if you can handle it. They will always chat it up before or after class with a newbie to make them feel more comfortable.

What do you usually play in your studio?

Pop, Top 40

Clients exercising at Tru Barre Studio.

What do you love most about barre?

I love how good I feel when class is over! I feel energized, powerful and focused. It allows the client to give themselves 1 hour of complete devotion to themselves. So many of us are so busy and we don’t take needed time just for our own health. The lean legs, high lifted seat and sculpted arms and abs are a bonus too!

You currently have two studios. Do you plan to expand?

Not at this time. If the location was perfect, I may consider it. Finding instructors to teach all the classes is a concern as well.

Clients exercising at Tru Barre Studio

Is there anything else you think people should know about you or the business?

It gives me great satisfaction in knowing I am delivering a product that can change so many peoples lives for the better. I am blessed to be able to do what I love every day. I love when clients tell me they look forward to working out now that they found barre. A workout that you can stick to and make a part of your lifestyle is what we hope our clients find at Tru Barre Studio. If you haven’t tried a barre class yet~ you should!

You can find Tru Barre Studio on Facebook and Instagram.

Author Melissa Feeney

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