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Barre Culture

Building a Barre Community, One Brewery Pop-Up at a Time

By April 13, 2019 No Comments

Event: Meet Me at the Barre
Location: Steamworks Brewery
Cost: $20.00 (includes drop-in fee and one beer flight)

About the Event

As a Vancouverite, there are a few local staples that contribute to our identity: fitness, craft beer, and complaining about the rain. When I found a pop-up barre class featuring craft beer and barre (that would be led indoors), I knew that this was something I would not want to miss.

This one-hour long barre class was led by Jill Nadon of Fitness with Jill. For $20, we could take the class AND indulge in a flight of beer from Steamworks Brewery. The brewery doesn’t open to the public until 12PM daily so we all enjoyed an hour and a half of pulsing, new friends, and delicious brews.

Barre and Brews event in Vancouver.

Photo by Dorothy Ng.


About the Workout

This was an all-levels barre class and there was something for everyone. We were asked to bring our own yoga mats but Jill supplied Bender Balls for each person. The class opened with a series of plies and calf raises to get our bodies moving in the morning. We worked our thighs and glutes with the ball, did some abdominal exercises, and burned our arms. Class ended on the mat with back dancing and a nice stretch to cool off.

Due to the location, we didn’t have actual barres to hold on to, so we used the tables at Steamworks to maintain our balance. Exercises alternated between standing and being on the floor, so I didn’t miss the barre itself too much.

The girls beside me said that this was their first time doing barre and that although the tiny movements looked easy, they weren’t! Personally, I found that this class challenged my balance because I did not have a barre to hold on to and had to work my core to stay put. This was also an excellent way to get my body moving on a weekend morning instead of sleeping in. I felt like I earned my beer and the brunch that followed.

Jill was knowledgeable, friendly, and passionate about fitness. She did not make hands-on adjustments with students but the layout of the brewery made it difficult to walk around. I would be curious to take another class of Jill’s in a traditional studio environment. The music also hovered around the 128-130bpm mark and there were points where we were singing along to the tunes that Jill had selected, which kept the energy in the class high.


Barre and Brews event in Vancouver

Photo by Dorothy Ng.


Overall Impressions

I loved this event and can’t wait for the next one! I appreciated the community aspect and how friendly everyone was. Jill encouraged us to laugh, to smile, and to enjoy the music. This was different from barre classes that I’ve taken at boutique studios as people usually don’t make eye contact with one another, let alone laugh. I could tell that Jill was genuinely excited about creating community through fitness and am so glad that I got to participate in this.

Barre and Brews event in Vancouver

Photo by Dorothy Ng.


Q&A with Jill

What inspired you to bring barre to the brewery?

I wanted to get out into the community and reach more people. I understand that walking into a gym or a barre studio can be very intimidating, but offering a class in a relaxed atmosphere like a brewery can help take some of the pressure off. I approached Steamworks because of their history of past community involvement and the great space they have in their taproom in Burnaby.


Jill Nadon and a friend inside Steamworks Brewery in Burnaby at a barre pop-up event.

Photo by: Steamworks Brewery


Can you tell us about yourself and your journey as a fitness instructor? I understand that you were previously an electrical engineer.

My journey started over ten years ago. I had been on my university cheerleading team for the past 3 years and reached a point where juggling practices, football games and competitions with the demanding schedule of studying engineering wasn’t working for me anymore. Shortly after leaving the team, I got antsy. I needed to find something to occupy my time and keep me active. I’m someone who loves to lead and educate others so becoming a fitness instructor seemed like a great idea.

Since obtaining my first certification, I worked part-time instructing classes, graduated with my degree in electrical engineering, and then continued teaching on the side while working as an engineer. For a long time, this was a balance that worked for me; engineering provided intellectual stimulation and financial security, while teaching fitness filled up my soul, provided me with social interaction, and kept me active.

By 2017, I felt extremely dragged down by my engineering job. I couldn’t wait to leave the office and go to teach classes. After a lot of fear and internal conflict, I made the decision to quit my full-time job and focus on being a fitness instructor. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has definitely been worth it. I love making up my own schedule and the fact that sometimes “work” for me now looks like leading a barre class while sharing a beer with new friends!

What is your favourite part about teaching?

This was a hard question because there are SOOO many things I love about teaching. I love witnessing other people’s victories, watching their progress, and seeing people learn to trust themselves. However, I think what I love the most is the community of group fitness.

I’m someone who doesn’t really like team sports because I feel a lot of pressure if someone passes the ball to me, and mess up – but I still want to be part of something with other people. Group exercise is this beautiful opportunity we have to work hard in a team of other people, but in the end, you’re only responsible for yourself.

Anything else that you’d like to include?

The best exercise is the one you’re going to do … and maybe occasionally that involves drinking beer. 😉


Are you interested in attending barre at the brewery? The next Meet Me at the Barre class will take place at the end of May at Steamworks Brewery (Burnaby). Connect with Jill on social media for more information. Can’t wait to see you there!


About the Author

Dorothy Ng is a consultant, project manager, and group fitness enthusiast. She loves being surrounded by a supportive community of people who push her to do one more rep, to hold that plank for a few more seconds, or to embrace that shake. She took dance lessons as a young girl and recently re-discovered her love of movement through barre, pilates, HIIT, and spin. When she’s not working, you can often find Dorothy trying a new restaurant in town, relaxing with a novel, or on Wikitravel planning her next adventure.

Author Dorothy Ng

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