In this series of posts, our Southern US Editor Jennifer Mathieu Henshall shares her POV while on her journey to getting certified by theLONDONmethod in the original Lotte Berk Technique.
It’s human nature to want to hold onto something we deem as one-of-a-kind. Oftentimes when we discover something new, unique or innovative, we are reluctant to share our treasure with others. Thankfully, this wasn’t the case when Kelly Wackerman found The Original Lotte Berk Technique — a hidden gem just waiting to be rediscovered — in the little village of Hungerford, England.
As someone who enjoyed visiting barre studios while she traveled the globe with her husband, a musician, Kelly immediately felt and saw something different — something she couldn’t wait to share with others — when she was first introduced to The Original Technique in 2015. After training and taking classes with Esther Fairfax for three weeks, Kelly, the mother of twin sons, realized that her clothes were fitting more loosely. Upon taking her measurements, Kelly was amazed to find that her waist had pulled in 1.5 inches in less than a month!
Feeling stronger, leaner and tighter than ever before, Kelly couldn’t wait to reveal the new exercises she learned once she was back home in the United States. And, unsurprisingly, a month after she began sharing these magical waist-whittling movements with her clients, they, too, all noticed an average of 1.5 inches had melted from their own waistlines.
In the five years since she first uncovered a technique that had been extremely popular among celebrities and other A-listers back in the 1970s and 1980s, Kelly shared one of the barre world’s best-kept secrets with her business partner, Pam, countless clients and a now-growing team of instructors.
For the third Saturday in a row, I headed down to my at-home barre studio on the final weekend of training in The Original Technique ready to savor the last few tidbits of the Fairfax family’s secret recipe.

Day 5 — Becoming a tLm Girl
By now, seeing the other trainees’ familiar faces on my laptop’s screen had become a comforting routine. Over the course of the previous two weekends, as we learned about the Technique and practiced the first two-thirds of the class, we were sharing more than just an innovative way to move our bodies. We were forming a community dedicated to disclosing our new secret to the rest of the world — or at least to those in our own respective circles.
By taking Zoom classes together and engaging in a virtual cocktail hour and question and answer session with Pam and Kelly outside of “class time,” we were getting the unique opportunity to see the behind the scenes of each other’s personal spaces and places. Children, babies and even pet roosters sometimes made guest appearances as we discussed pregnancy modifications and practiced our Sardines, Escapes and No Escapes and relaxed in the Final Spinal Stretches.
By the time we had learned the last exercise in the manual and had each enthusiastically volunteered to teach a section of the class during the following day of training, I felt a slight hesitation leaving the meeting, which had been filled with the laughter, joking around and light, airy atmosphere of a girls’ afternoon in. I’m hoping that I wasn’t the only one who felt a lingering sadness on the eve of our final day of training.
Of the laundry list of training that I’ve done over the years — this one being the most comprehensive in terms of material, as well as duration — the amount of support, love and inclusiveness that I felt come through my laptop was unparalleled. As I clicked the red “Leave” button and powered down my laptop, I was thankful that I had a hungry family and the task of preparing my two sections of our collaborative Original Class to distract me from the bittersweet conclusion of our virtual training journey.
Day 6 — The One Where We Whittled Together
Instead of beginning our final day of training with muffins (well, we did share in Muffin No More!) and mimosas, we got right to work on our final performance — a.k.a. our jointly instructed Original Class. Kelly and Pam offered to DJ our Fall 2020 tLm Trainee playlist and VJ our collaborative class. I worked every muscle in my body, as my fellow trainees and I fluidly whittled our way through the hour-long session.
Although I’ve been teaching barre for over four years, I still felt butterflies in my stomach as I led the class through that particular stretch. It had been a while since I’ve taught a class and wanted to show Kelly and Pam that the quality of instruction that I had received had been effectively transmitted through our online channel.
At the end of class, my fellow trainees and I were showered with compliments and high praise from our Master Trainers. Each trainee was also given notes and encouraging feedback from both Kelly and Pam. I jotted down their advice and “things to be aware of,” which I plan to use when I start preparing my test out video.
After hearing how few things we needed to work on, I was proud of my fellow trainees and I for proving that the bond that had been forming since the beginning of September had enabled us to demonstrate our newfound love of and knowledge for The Original Technique. And in a time when hugs and handshakes are discouraged and social distancing rules the world, seeing the looks of sheer pride and joy on our trainers’ faces made me feel right at home.

Week 3 Impressions
I could write a book — and actually plan to someday — highlighting the mental and physical benefits that I experienced during my three weeks of training in The Original Lotte Berk Technique. But I think my 10-year-old daughter put it best one morning last week when she cheerfully said to me, “Mama, you have been so much happier lately!”
I must admit that I was a bit floored by her statement. Yes, without a doubt, I have been feeling so much happier since living The Original Technique — there is truly something magical about the way the aptly named exercises change not only your body but also your mindset. However, I felt saddened by the fact that both of my daughters could tell that I was feeling less-than joyful as of late.
We are certainly living in uncertain and challenging times and after six months of changes and limitations, I was starting to feel a bit suffocated. But, learning this Technique has given me something to aspire to in so many areas of my life. And when it comes to future challenges, I plan on putting into practice the same advice that my fellow trainees and I were given by Pam and Kelly when we found that we may not be able to execute some of the more difficult Original moves right away — “Get into position, tilt in it, hold onto the barre and tilt, then progress from there with very small movements.”
On the first day of training, we learned that the Technique was the Original because it worked. It has helped thousands of women develop a feminine, sexy and svelte look. Today, it is enabling women who may be unhappy with the bulk they’ve gained from more rigorous forms of exercise to, as Kelly and Pam have experienced, “Get the body back to a more naturally-designed state” with longer, leaner lines.
On the last day of training, we, as a group, knew that the Technique was the Original because it was inclusive. Through over 15 hours of technique-specific lecture and hands-on instruction, 10 hours of live Zoom Original classes and hours upon hours of videos filled with Technique secrets, as well as glimpses into Kelly’s and Pam’s personal relationships with Esther Fairfax, I, along with 10 other women, became part of a society dedicated to sharing our newfound treasure with those who also seek a community where they will feel authentic, feminine and included.
For me, the end of the training is only the beginning of my personal projects and endeavors. As I’ve told Pam and Kelly, I have found true muses in the Technique and in Esther, herself. Before I learned the history and background of the Original and read Esther’s books, I knew that I wanted to build a Barre Library — a community where barre students, instructors and devotees can come together to share knowledge, experiences and ways to create and maintain a strong connection between the mind and body through barre.
Now that I’ve been immersed in the Technique for a month, my direction is crystal clear. Thanks to their passion for and unselfish willingness to share The Original Technique, Esther, Kelly and Pam have gifted me the tools to unearth my own gem — one that I, too, will eagerly reveal to others.

Trainee Testimonials
If the last day of training had been in-person, I’m sure that each of us would have given a token of appreciation to our incredible Master Trainers, Kelly and Pam. Instead, several of the trainees graciously offered to share their own treasures:
“The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know. I thought that I knew barre, but I’m realizing that, without this foundation, I really didn’t.” – Lara Foldvari
“I have spent the last 25 years teaching women methods of movement that allow them to look and feel wonderful in their bodies. I’ve been a Master Trainer in a technique called T-Tapp — mindful movement designed to help you lose inches in record time. I loved that it allowed women, who otherwise wouldn’t exercise, to get up, do the workout and get results.
I have always been a seeker of movement techniques that I could incorporate into my daily classes to keep these results going. I am certified in Barre, BarreAbove (lots of their certifications), Dynamic Walking, race walking coach, Somatic Stretch and Gentle Somatic Yoga. Having studied the history of barre, I understood that Lotte Berk created a movement because her “Original” WORKED. When you tweak and change what works, often the results suffer. When I learned that Kelly and Pam were going to be teaching and certifying this method online, I knew I had to be a part of it. I was not disappointed. I am in love with this method and have already seen results in my own body. And I teach classes daily, so for me to see changes in my body, is really saying something. Kelly and Pam are passionate about the method and about sharing it with the world. That passion, along with a ton of work to put this training together, hit its mark. It has been a fabulous experience and I’m looking forward to being a part of this beautiful community of Original lovers. – Renee McLaughlin
“My life changed the moment I discovered the barre technique — instantly in love, never to be stopped. Digging through the history of development lead me to Lotte Berk, her daughter, Esther Fairfax, and now her proteges Kelly and Pam at The London Method! My commitment to certification training in the Original Lotte Berk method was written in the stars long ago, but came to life in September 2020. And what a ride! Full of excitement, hard work, discoveries, new bonds, love, encouragement and, most of all, being a part of the carrying on the Legacy of Lotte.
Pam and Kelly will embrace you with the utmost care — most precious golden nuggets of knowledge passing on through generations now to us. Kelly’s Pilates background gives you an incredible outlook on the dynamics of the human body and her passion for the Original method is second to none. Pam’s infectious laugh makes you feel like an instant family.
Sitting in the class, you’ll know the universe’s energy revolves around “BARRE” and its original founder Lotte Berk, and her daughter Esther Fairfax. May the Force of this Legacy be with you!” – Andrea Lincoln
“This training experience was so incredibly special! Learning the history and origin of barre’s beginning was the perfect foundation upon which Kelly and Pam so passionately shared their knowledge about the exercises, as learned from Esther herself. This program embodied the spirit and essence of Lotte and Esther. Not only have I come out of this training with so much solid info to share with my community, but I feel more confidence and lightheartedness in my teaching, which is just an extra bonus that I wasn’t expecting!” — Lisa Saphr
“TLM’s online training of the Original Technique was awesome! Kelly and Pam are so tuned into the details that make this Technique so effective. They have had the unique opportunity to train with Esther Fairfax and are eager to share everything they know in an effort to preserve the Original exercises. Kelly’s focus on form is unwavering – even through the lens of a laptop – and her love and belief in the program is inspiring! Pam’s laugh is contagious and her sense of humor keeps you smiling even through the burn. It was a great experience. I can’t wait to continue getting stronger and healthier as I continue practicing and teaching the Original Technique.” – Catherine Morvant
“I am super grateful to have found The London Method. I have been instructing in the fitness industry for more than 30 years and have to say that the tLm Teacher Training is one of the best programs I have participated in. Kelly and Pam so thoroughly share their expertise and knowledge of The Original Lotte Berk Technique, all while being warm, supportive and fun. The combination of the TLM TV, live/recorded Zoom Training, live studio classes, instructor video Library with Esther Fairfax teaching, the Training Manual and more, leave no stone unturned as far as learning the Technique and successfully teaching classes.
I have been teaching barre and have been obsessed with its origins for about six years. It’s an honor to have had the deepest dig possible into the beginnings of our favorite subject and to present a teaching video to Esther Fairfax herself!” – Colleen Fontes
“The work Kelly and Pam are doing to preserve the legacy of Lotte Berk, and maybe more importantly, her daughter, Esther Fairfax, is a priceless gift to the barre community and an aspiring feat to witness. They are incredibly genuine and their passion for sharing the Original Technique is filled with so much respect and love. I’m honored to be a part of the community they’ve built and proud to say I’ve been through their training. As leaders, they are welcoming, compassionate, approachable, and bring humor to all they do. This is the spirit of Lotte and Esther, which lives on through them, and now can be passed onto others through the Original method.” – Michelle DuVall
Up next: My Journey to Getting Certified in the Original Lotte Berk Technique: I’m a Certified Instructor!
About the Author
Jennifer is a barre instructor, personal trainer, clinical aromatherapist and author who discovered barre — her soul-mate workout — while training for the 2016 Boston Marathon. As a long-time runner, former bodybuilder, and melanoma skin cancer survivor, Jennifer’s recent battle with autoimmune disease has changed her fitness focus to one that incorporates more mindful, purposeful and low-impact movements.
A former communication professor and mother of two daughters, Jennifer is excited to share her thoughts and experiences on ways to create and maintain a strong connection between the mind and body through barre.